At very short notice I decided to spend a week in
this new nation before the challenges of a new job and second child.
Eventually, I arrived at Dili airport (the original flight had to
return to Darwin due to a problem). The only other aircraft present
were UN or military; this was not a tourist destination. The weather
was hot, blue sky and not humid; it remained this way for the week.
Unfortunately the planned diving week was curtailed due to remnants of
a cold preventing equalisation. However, snorkelling exposed the
wonderful immaculate coral reefs. The plan was to chill and I did;
sipping the smooth Timor coffee whilst reading a good book. I roamed
Dili and was the only non-local to witness the Saturday cock-fight;
this is considered the national sport. Dili was packed with UN and
charity personnel and through chats with them was given some insight
into the nation's status; the nation appears to be lacking a focus and
will to stand on it's own feet.