After a 4 hour wait the lady customs
officer returned from shopping with the stamp and we crossed from
Uzbekistan into Turkmenistan. The control
President Niyazov has became very clear. Regular check points made sure no
government worker was avoiding the compulsory cotton picking activity. We stayed
in an ex-pioneer camp then before crossing the Karakum desert we visited the
ruins of Konye-Urgench. This place made an enjoyable contrast to the perfection
of Khiva. The desert was a classic sand desert where we camped for 2 nights.
When rolling up my tent I just avoided a scorpion; that made me jump. There were
many camels wondering the desert. Ashgabat is a beautiful city full of
immaculate white marble monuments featuring Turkmenbashi. However, one was left
with uneasiness thinking the money could be better spent. A long monotonous
drive took us to the port of Turkmenbashi and after a 6 hour wait we boarded the
rusting ferry which would transport us over the Caspain sea to