The wonders of the Pharaohs and also the Red sea make this a must see country

1st Visit

3 - 25 August 1990

From Israel I entered Egypt on my own with no guide book; on reflection I was crazy. However, I survived the chaos as the boat arrived at Port Said and a taxi whisked me to Suez. This dusty rough town was a real taste of another world. With the Encounter Overland tour Braz, Fern & I experienced the sights of classical Egypt and was quite staggered by the shear scale of the buildings. We visted the Sinai; snorkeling in the Red sea was a privilege; this was yet another world. Due to the out break of the Gulf War our stay in Egypt was extended. Braz & I took flight to the north coast which is off the tourist track. The RTW trip continued with a flight to Greece.

2nd Visit

6 - 29 October 2002

From Turkey Anne and I arrived in the metropolis of Cairo; we spent a week there before meeting up with Overland Club. Then the 24 of us started our fun tour of Africa. We did the usual tours of Cairo, Aswan and Luxor. Anne and I left the group for a few days to take the shorter boat route to the Sinai; the others drove all the way. I loved snorkelling and with my new found confidence in the water took an introductory dive. The group was disappointed that we could not cross Sudan due to the escalating Iraq situation; it's bizarre that the same reason affected both my trips to Egypt. Thus, we flew directly to Ethiopia.
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