1st Visit

5 - 12 September 1984

The ferry from Samos, Greece, took Fiona & I to the port of Kusadasi. I was full of trepadation since all I knew of Turkey came from the great film 'Midnight Express'. We visited Ephesus, we saw the ruins of the temple of Artemis, one of the Ancient Wonders of the World. From there we went to Pamukkale, a spectacular natural feature. We visted Izmir during the trade fair and accommodation was very difficult to find. We stayed in a cockroach covered small room; but it was magical to be awoken by the sound from the minarets of the muezzin at sunrise. Istanbul was a vibrant city; the political situation was reflected by armed soldiers at many of the street corners. Our Inter-Rail 1984 tour continued through Greece and Yugoslavia to Venice, Italy.
Travel Gallery
My first step out of Europe into the exotic east

2nd Visit

28 August - 13 September 1990

We departed Greece and continued our party in Turkey. We found people friendly in the west but had problems in the Kurdish areas in the east. Cappadoccia was a fascinating area and we had a great time with belly dancers and turkish baths. The truck crossed into Iran but since most of us could not get visas, the Salmon Rushdie affair was still in heat, we toured the Black sea coast. From Istanbul we flew to another world; Pakistan.

3rd Visit

2 - 6 October 2002

The good ship Omega safely floated us from the Ukraine to the grand port of Istanbul; this great city always has an exotic feel. We made a pilgrimage to Gallopoli and a visit to Troy before flying off to Egypt.