A vibrant rich culture; a great place to visit

1st Visit

6 - 8 September 1982

We walked off the train, which had taken us from Germany and we boarded the Spanish train at Irun. Our Inter Rail 1982 tour whisked us through Spain. We stayed in San Sebastion and briefly saw Miranda as we changed trains; we thought we were in a western. The state of the town and the desert landscape was a surprise. The overnight train took us to Portugal.

2nd Visit

13 - 15 September 1982

Braz & I crossed the river Guadiana via a ferry and thus left Portugal and returned to Spain. We then embarked on the craziest stage of our Inter Rail 1982 tour. With 2 days left on our ticket we decided to visit Morocco! The ferry from Algerciras crossed the Straits of Gibraltar and we arrived at the port of Tangier. We were very nervous about the dangerous reputation of Morocco. However, we had been in the bar and failed to fill in an immigration form. We were refused entry and sailed back without getting off! We then had a day in Madrid and finally headed directly home. What a trip!

3rd Visit

19 August - 2 September 1988

Joyce & I flew into Gerona and took the bus to Blanes on the Catalonian coast; Joyce did not enjoy camping. We then spent a few days in Barcelona; a great city but much restoration work was on going for the forth coming Olympics. The journey upto the Montserrat monastery was via a spectacular cable car. An overnight train took us to Madrid. A memorable aspect of the trip was the great food.

4th Visit

15 -16 November 1994

A business trip to visit ITP in Madrid. We stayed in the Holiday Inn and went out for a cracking meal.

5th Visit

6 -7 January 2002

A brief transit through Spain enroute to Morocco became an unexpected stay. Due to storms I stayed in Ceuta for 24 hours. This is an unusual enclave on the coast of Morocco.
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