A country which was divided when I first visited

1st Visit

29 July - 6 August 1978 (West Germany)



Close Jaguar
Spent an action packed week at RAF Laarbruck with the Air Training Corps. Saw very little of Germany but did have a day trip to the Netherlands.

2nd Visit

17 - 18 September 1981 (West Germany)

Olympic Park

Olympic Park, Munich

Close Olympic Park
From Italy. we arrived in Munich; alas too early for the Beer festival. In quick time we visited the Zoo, the superb Deutches museam and the Olympic stadium. The Inter Rail 1981 tour was taking it's toll; on sitting down in the Olympic staduim we both instantly fell asleep. A rest? No chance! Next: Denmark.
Deutsches Museum, Munich

Deutsches Museum, Munich

Close Deutsches Museum, Munich

3rd Visit

20 - 22 August 1982 (West Germany)



Close Freiburg
Our Inter Rail 1982 tour took us from France to the charming town of Freiburg and surrounding Black forest. En route to Austria we dropped into Konstanz and admired the lake.
Fiona & I, Black Forest

Fiona & I, Black Forest

Close Fiona & I, Black Forest

4th Visit

3 - 5 September 1982 (West Germany)

Regensburg Youth Hostel

Regensburg Youth Hostel

Close Regensburg Youth Hostel
In an increasingly bizarre Inter Rail 1982 tour we visited Germany for the sole purpose of steeling blankets from Regensburg's youth hostel. Our sleeping bags had been stolen and we remembered how warm the blankets were! We then continued onto the intended destination of Spain with the large blankets which had 'Jugendherberge' in bold letters.

5th Visit

15 September 1984 (West Germany)

Statuette of St George, Munich Residence

Statuette of St George, Munich Residence

Close Statuette of St George, Munich Residence
The train took us from Verona and Fiona & I made a brief visit to Munich; we then headed home. Thus, completing our Inter Rail 1984 tour.

6th Visit

24 - 29 May 2000

Visited Dahlevitz, south of Berlin for 2 days for work and then spent 3 days exploring Berlin as birthday treat. Thus, my first visit to the former East Germany.
Travel Gallery