We were not interested in a city, even Budapest, and
headed directly from
Yugoslavia to Lake Balaton, the main Hungarian
resort. At last some rest on our mad
Inter Rail 1981 tour. We admired the East German
ladies volley ball team, well at least the ones with out
beards. In Budapest we jumped on the train to
and discovered it was the Orient Express; we were on the only 'commoners'
carriage attached at the rear.
Inter rail 1982 tour took us from
Austria to Lake Balaton, Kiliantelep. Met up with
Pete, Braz & Belger. Took a Danube cruise from Budapest to Esztergom.
Hungary was so cheap. We then headed for Yugoslavia which now consists of
several countires. The area we visited is now
The train from
Slovakia stopped too briefly at our intended stop to
get off in time, thus, we jumped off at the next stop. Alas, the small town near
Miskolc had no hotel but in a bar we were offered a house to stay in and we were
entertained by the land lord. Touring the many wine cellars of Eger which
produce one of my favorite wines, Bull's Blood, was great fun. The horse show at
Kiskunsag national park is an exceptional display of skill. Alas, a cock-up
meant we slept at Szeged train station before continuing to